Health & Safety & Wellbeing

First Aid - our Gymnastics New Zealand qualified coaches have current first aid certificates and have access to first aid resources.

Dropping off, or picking up - please escort or ensure your children come immediately into the gym.  We have a busy shared carpark outside the gym with no supervision from coaches. Please ask your children to remain in the building until collection.  With thanks.

Equipment – please ensure gymnasts or siblings refrain from using gym equipment at all times. Students are also not allowed on the equipment prior to classes commencing or afterward class is over.

Illness, Head Lice and Other Medical Conditions - please contact the Club if your child will be absent from the session booked.  We are most appreciative of those parents who keep their children at home when they are unwell to avoid the spread of infections.  Please let the Club know if there is any medical condition and/or allergy that needs to be notified for the safety and wellbeing of your child and others.

Effective Coaching - How your child will be guided throughout the session By developing management skills coaches learn how to ensure the appropriate behaviour of participants so that an optimal learning environment exists. 

It is very important that behaviour parameters are clearly outlined to all the participants at the start of the season. Coaches must be consistent both in their expectations and in enforcing the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. 

Following are some of the techniques used by our coaches for developing good team discipline and dealing with inappropriate behaviour:

Positive Preventative Management - The coaches strive to lead well organized and preplanned classes to minimize waiting time and confusion for the gymnasts. To avoid disruptive behavior coaches keep talking to a minimum and make use of frequent examples and variations. Coaches will ignore inappropriate or attention-seeking behaviour (unless safety is at risk) and reinforce with praise any positive appropriate behaviour. An effort is made to catch athletes being ‘good’ rather than always being ‘bad’.

Verbal Warning - When necessary, verbal warnings will be issued in a clear, no-nonsense manner, well timed and well targeted but not demeaning or harsh. If the participants choose to ignore the warning, they risk the removal of privileges.

Removal of Privileges - One effective method of dealing with a participant who refuses to modify inappropriate behaviour (after receiving a verbal warning) is to remove certain activities.  As safety is paramount any participant who is causing a disruption likely to injure themselves or another will be sat out.  Parents will be notified.

Download our Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy - April 2024